Prof. Jeon

Dr. Junha Jeon
Associate Professor &
Chair of Graduate Recruitment Committee
T 817.272.0262
O Room 203, W. A. Baker Chemistry Research Building (CRB)
For Graduate Recruitment Page
Education and Training
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Post-doctoral fellow, Synthetic Chemistry, 2009-2011
Advisor: Professor Amos B. Smith, III
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry, 2009
Advisor: Professor Thomas R. Hoye
Title of Doctoral Dissertation: New Applications and Strategies in Olefin Metathesis:
A Total Synthesis of (+)-Gigantecin and a Total Synthesis of (+)-Peloruside A.
Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea
M.S. in Organic Chemistry, 2002
Advisor: Professor Chan-Mo Yu
Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea
B.S. in Chemistry, 2000
Advisor: Professor Seongkyu Kim
Position and Appointment
University of Texas Arlington, Arlington, TX
Associate Professor, 2017-present
Assistant Professor, 2011-2017
Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT), South Korea
Division of Drug Discovery Research, Research fellow, 2003
Honors and Awards
UTA Interdisciplinary Research Program (IRP) Grant Investigator, 2018
President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching at UTA, 2017
Outstanding Science Teaching Award for the College of Science (COS), 2017
American Chemical Society (ACS) Young Organic Investigator, Young Academic Investigators symposium, 2016
Excellence in Teaching Award, The National Society of Leadership and Success, Sigma Alpha Phi UTA, 2015
ACS PRF Doctoral New Investigator, 2015
Recipient of the Research Enhancement Proposal Grant of the UT Arlington, 2014
DFW Young Investigator, American Chemical Society-DFW Meeting, 2014
Robert L. Ferm Outstanding Graduate TA Award, University of Minnesota, 2005
Pre-Doctoral Graduate Research Fellowship, Korea Government Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF), 2003-2005