

Jeon group research

Our research program involves synthetic organic chemistry and organometallic chemistry.  We target the discovery of innovative synthetic methods and new reaction strategies to permit access to biomedically important molecular architectures.  In order to achieve the goal, our strategy is to rationally design transition-metal/ligand catalyst complexes, to understand the function of the catalysts, and to utilize them for developing catalytic reaction methods.  We are also engaged in synthesis of chemically and biologically significant molecules including natural and unnatural molecules. The target-oriented synthetic study not only provides planned synthetic target molecules, but also often reveals new, unprecedented interesting reactivity and selectivity. We hope to apply the lessons from discovery of new reaction methods and synthesis of bioactive molecules into therapeutic areas.

Research overview copy

Research Areas of Interest

Chemical Synthesis and Medicinal Chemistry

Synthesis of biologically relevant molecules, synthetic methodology, and reaction mechanisms

Chemical Catalysis

Homogeneous and heterogenous catalysis for carbon-hydrogen (C–H) and carbon-carbon (C–C) bond functionalization

Materials Science

Design, fabricate, and characterize new nano-materials for energy-related fields

Environmental Science

Development of chemical remediation strategy for environmentally toxic persistent, per fluorinated chemicals
