November 20, 2017. Congratulations to Appu on his successfully defending his PhD thesis. Now Dr. Apparao Bokka!!
August 24, 2017. Parham presented at ACS Fall meeting, Washington D.C. ’17.
July 1, 2017. We welcome Kim Nolasco (UG) to the group!
June 20, 2017. Parham presented at the Graduate Research Symposium (GRS), Portland State University, Portland, OR.
April 25, 2017. Junha received 2016-2017’s Outstanding Science Teaching Award for the College of Science. A press release at MAVERICK SCIENCE E-News. April 25, 2017. Junha received 2016-2017’s The President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.
April 25, 2017. Both Peter and Ashif are selected as UTA Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program participants (UROP) for Summer 2017.
April 10, 2017. Parham received Dr. Charles K. Baker Character Fellowship. Congratulations!
March 1, 2017. We welcome Peter Zotor (UG) and Ashif Karedath (UG) to the group!
January 19, 2017. A new press release at the Shorthorn.Be careful when you read ^^;;
January 13, 2017. Congratulations to Appu as his development of Enhanced thermophysical properties via PAO superstructure was accepted in Nanoscale Research Letters.